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ОГЭ по английскому языку 9 класс

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1. What cultural and media subjects took the name of Gorky Park?

2. At what time is Gorky Park open to the public?

3. How can you get to Gorky Park by public transport?

4. What kind of films can you see in the open-air cinema in Gorky Park?

5. What entertainment does Gorky Park offer in the cold season?

6. What kinds of animals can you see in Gorky Park?

7. Why is Gorky Park a great place to be active?



A. ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 257 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 08.05.2021 | Комментарии (5)

The Great Patriotic War

World War II is recognized as the largest, destructive and bloody war in the history of mankind. Russian people more often refer to it as the Great Patriotic War.

The war came to Russia on June 22, 1941. Russian troops immediately began to suffer huge losses, the inhabitants of the captured territories found themselves in German captivity and were sent into camps as slaves. However, despite the fact that the Soviet army was losing, it still managed to stop the Germans on the way to Leningrad, Moscow and Novgorod.

Leningrad was taken into blockade, the inhabitants of the city remained without the supply of food, fuel, medicines and everything necessary for life for long 872 days.

Blockade of Leningrad in pictures

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Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 224 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 06.05.2021 | Комментарии (5)

Victory Day is one of the most important and revered holidays in the Russian calendar. The war that killed more than 27 million Russian people, and according to some estimates, more than 29 million, did not spare a single Russian home from loss of life or injury of a family member.

9th of May: Victory Day in Russia

In Russia, unlike in Europe, Victory Day is celebrated on May 9th. According to some sources, Stalin did not like the first signed act of surrender, and marshal Georgy Zhukov was instructed once again to accept a general surrender from representatives of all types of German armed forces in Berlin. The new Act was signed on the night of May 9, at 00.43 Moscow time. In Europe, it was still 8th of May.


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Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 223 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 06.05.2021 | Комментарии (9)


Christ is risen!            (Христос Воскрес!)
He is risen indeed!   (Воистину Воскрес!)


Faith    вера
holy    святой
sac­ri­fice — [ˈsækrɪ­faɪs]    жертва
Lord’s Sup­per    Тайная вечеря
reli­gious holiday    религиозный праздник
cru­ci­fix­ion — [ˌkru:sɪˈfɪkʃən]    распятие на кресте
cross    крест
res­ur­rec­tion — [ˌrezəˈrekʃən]    воскрешение
Jesus Christ — [ˈdʒi:zəs kraist]    Иисус Христос
Lent    великий пост
Maun­dy Thursday    Великий Четверг
Holy Friday/ Saturday    Страстная Пятн ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 193 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 16.04.2021 | Комментарии (7)



East­er – it’s a big reli­gious hol­i­day, because Chris­tians cel­e­brate the Res­ur­rec­tion of Jesus Christ. The date of cel­e­brat­ing changes every year. It falls on one of spring Sun­days. Sev­en weeks before East­er – it is the Lent. Peo­ple must not eat the ani­mal prod­ucts and meal 7 weeks.

Peo­ple pre­pare for the cel­e­bra­tion dur­ing the last week, which we name Holy Week. Of course, the cus­toms relat­ed with this day are dif­fer­ent in every coun­try. For exam­ple, East­er cakes and East­er eggs are the tra­ ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 231 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 16.04.2021 | Комментарии (7)


I’d like to describe picture №….

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Категория: Грамматика | Просмотров: 295 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 06.04.2021 | Комментарии (9)

Causative Form

Объектный падеж с причастием прошедшего времени представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже (или местоимения в объектном падеже) с причастием прошедшего времени (Participle 2, V3). Часто это правило формулируют как have something done, что в общем виде буквально означает "лицу что-то делают" (пассивный залог).


I clean my flat every week. - I have my flat cleaned every week.

Я убираю квартиру каждую неделю. - Мне убирают квартиру каждую неделю.

Пояснениеhave + something (my flat) + V3 (cleaned)

Yesterday I did the shopping. - Yesterday I had my shopping done.

Я вчера сходила за покупками. - В ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Грамматика | Просмотров: 236 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 06.04.2021 | Комментарии (9)

Особенности каузативной конструкции

В первую очередь необходимо определить, что такое каузативная форма в английском языке. Рассмотрим такие примеры:

wash my car every Saturday – Я мою машину каждую субботу.
have my car washed every Saturday – Мою машину моют каждую субботу.

Подлежащее – каузативный глагол – исполнитель – инфинитив

Subject + have/get/make/let/help + Person + Infinitive

 При этом в роли исполнителя у нас выступает лицо, которое будет выполнять действие.

В активной конструкции используются каузативные глаголы have, get, make, let, help.

Категория: Грамматика | Просмотров: 252 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 04.04.2021 | Комментарии (11)

April’s Fool

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Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 215 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 01.04.2021 | Комментарии (11)


There are many holidays and festivals in Russia. But Maslenitsa is the most original Russian festival. It lasts the whole week (from Monday till Sunday) and includes many events. Furthermore, according to archeological evidence Maslenitsa may be the oldest surviving Slavic holiday.

Maslenitsa originated from pagan times. This holiday symbolized the beginning of spring. The Slavs welcomed the Sun and made pancakes. They believed that a hot pancake is a symbol of the sun. Later Maslenitsa became a Christian holiday. The festival starts right before the Great Lent, so it is the last chance to bask in worldly delights. During the Maslenitsa week people enjoy almost any food, except meat.

Historically the festival was devided in two parts. The first three days were called a Small Maslenitsa. During this time people worked, cleaned, cooked pancakes and prepared for the main events o ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 195 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 10.03.2021 | Комментарии (11)

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