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St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14. This is not a public holiday, but most of people like it. Men and women call the day as the lover’s day – the time when we present teddy-bears, candies, flowers, cards and other sweet stuff to each other and even make a declaration of love or propose marriage.

There are a lot of legends that could be a source of the celebration, but one of them is much more romantic and charming than others. Once upon a time one, a bishop Valentine secretly helped to arrange weddings in the period of a ban on marriages of Roman soldiers by the Roman Emperor. As a result, the bishop was caught and executed. Before the execution he sent a romantic postcard to his sweetheart.  Now people call these cards as “valentines”. Usually they are red heart-shaped cards with sentimental heartfelt words and verses. Young ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Англоязычные страны | Просмотров: 424 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 11.02.2020 | Комментарии (9)


On the 23th of February we celebrate the Defender’s Day, the day of great and strong men!
From the bottom of our heart we congratulate the strongest part of our society to this men’s holiday!
Remain so strong, intelligent, kind and brave, loving and tender – remain the best!

 February 23 / 23 февраля

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 491 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 11.02.2020 | Комментарии (9)