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An Autumn Greeting

«Come,» said the Wind to the Leaves one day.

«Come over the meadow and we will play.

Put on your dresses of red and gold.

For summer is gone and the days grow cold.»


Autumn leaves

Leaves on the ground are turning,

Yellow, brown and red.

Smoke from the bonfire burning,

Climbing overhead.

Here comes Autumn to bring the mist and rain.

Summer has gone for another year,

Autumn's here again.

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 286 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 19.09.2020 | Комментарии (3)

Времена в английском языке. Таблица английских времен.

Как известно, в русском языке три времени – прошедшее, настоящее и будущее. Английских времен тоже три – presentpast и future, но в зависимости от того, является ли действие завершенным или длительным, каждое из этих времен может быть четырех типов – simplecontinuousperfect и perfect continuous. В результате в английском языке можно получить 12 временных форм.

Таблица английских времен:

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Категория: Грамматика | Просмотров: 330 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 19.08.2020 | Комментарии (7)


I've recently read a book which has made a very deep impression on me. It's called Gone with the Wind and it makes really unforgettable reading. The author of the book is Margaret Mitchell. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, into a family of the president of the Atlanta Historical Society. All the family were interested in American history and she grew up in an atmosphere of stories about the Civil War.

After graduating from college Margaret Mitchell worked for a time for the Atlanta Journal. In 1925 she got married. In the following ten years she put on paper all the stories she had heard about the Civil War. The result was Gone with the Wind. It was first published in 1936 and became the talking point of all America. In 1939 it was made into a highly successful film. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable played the leading roles. Vivien Leigh won the Oscar. Everyon ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 329 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 03.08.2020 | Комментарии (13)


Breeze — легкий ветер, бриз
Climate — климат
Cloud — облако, туча
Dew — роса
Drizzle — мелкий дождь
Fog / Mist — туман
Frost — мороз
Hail — град
Heat — жара
Hoarfrost — иней
Humidity — влажность
Hurricane — ураган
Icicle — сосулька
Indian summer — бабье лето
Lightning — молния
Pressure — давление
Puddle — лужа
Rain — дождь
Rainbow — радуга
Raindrop — дождевая капля
Rainfall — осадки
Rainstorm — ливень с ураганом
Shower — ливень
Snow — снег
Snowfall — снегопад
Snowflake — снежинка
Storm — буря, гроза, ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 314 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 16.07.2020 | Комментарии (11)

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 323 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 16.07.2020 | Комментарии (7)

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 365 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 16.07.2020 | Комментарии (5)

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 298 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 16.07.2020 | Комментарии (7)


Like the whole world, Russian people love celebrating their holidays. Celebrations in Russia reflect many aspects of its history, culture and traditions. Some Russian festivities are official public holidays and government offices, schools and banks have their days off.  These are New Year (January, 1st – 5th), Orthodox Christmas (January, 7th), Defender of the Motherland Day (February, 23rd), International Women’s Day (March, 8th), Spring and Labour Day (May, 1st), Victory Day (May, 9th), Russia Day (June, 12th), National Unity Day (November, 4th) and Constitution Day (December, 12th).

The Russians usually celebrate holidays with plenty of food and presents. The most popular holiday is New Year’s Day. Russian people decorate fir-trees, cook ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 313 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 09.06.2020 | Комментарии (8)




Quoting the NTV channel website, Russia Day is “a big patriotic holiday, the symbol of national unity and civil peace”. There is an official program: streets and buildings are decorated with the colors of the national flag, concerts and other events are held throughout the day at various locations (including a big show in the Red Square in Moscow), followed by fireworks at the end of the day.

At the same time, Russians seem to spend the day as every other day off work (taking into account that this year the holiday falls on a Wednesday and most have to go to work the next day!): spend time with their families, go for leisurely strolls or simply relax a bit. One thing is certain, though! We are not ready to give up the holiday, even though we are still not 10 ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 339 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 09.06.2020 | Комментарии (5)

Ivan Kupala Day 

Ivan Kupala Day or Kupala Night is enthusiastically celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus on the night of 7 July. The celebration relates to the summer solstice when nights are the shortest and includes a number of Pagan rituals. The Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian name of this holiday combines “Ivan” (John — the Baptist) and Kupala which is related to a word derived from the Slavic word for bathing, which is cognate. The latter is reinterpreted as John’s baptizing people through full immersion in water (therefore his biblical title of the Baptist). However, the tradition of Kupala predates Christianity. Due to the popularity of the pagan celebration, with time it was simply accepted and reestablished as one of the native Christian traditions intertwined with local folklore.


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Категория: Лексика | Просмотров: 558 | Добавил: Demkina505 | Дата: 01.06.2020 | Комментарии (7)

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